
Quality & Workflow

Quality & Workflow

Teams of expert translators.

Above all, quality is what you deserve. OneDocument’s quality systems are comprised of three solid pillars:

Teams of expert translators.

Editor-guaranteed. Editors are specialized in your product terminology, and final translations are a faithful reproduction of the original text.

Not enough? If in your field, the most minute error could be fatal, OneDocument will perform a third-party review to guarantee the best possible results.

Your clients want and expect quality, and they pay for it. A bad translation can translate into mistakes, bad PR, legal problems and worse, loss of clients.

OneDocument carefully manages your translations and documentation, avoiding such pitfalls.

We’ll walk you through the world marketplace!

The quality you were looking for

  • Translators and editors
    OneDocument’s sound professional team comprises highly qualified members who are specialized in their fields. These translators, editors, designers, and technical experts enable OneDocument to adapt to your specific needs while giving you the highest quality at the most competitive price.
    To join our team, our language experts must pass strict qualification tests and also undergo periodic quality assurance. This system assures high-quality results from our experts on an on-going basis.
    Our professional teams manage projects in varied fields: from technical to medical to general, our knowledge base serves you with one common goal: superior results.
  • Long-term teams
    When your project starts, we establish expectations and then plan a strategic outline of processes. Your customized team will carry you and your products throughout; members will also have the appropriate expertise and resources associated with your products, assuring continuity among the team. This solid base guarantees scalability and assures consistent terminology and style.